Tagged by Caleb!


1. What's your ambition?
Ambition?used to have 1 when I was a child....Fashion Designer!

2. Which is more important to you? : Friends/Boyfriend/Girlfriends?
Friends and Bf.....They play different important roles in my life!

3. How often do you think of committing suicide?

4. Do you think you have enough confidence?
Oh yeah!!!!!

5. How many babies do you want?
If I get the chance to be a mummy.......2 babies!

6. What is your goal for this year?
Get a red Sony VAIO laptop!

7. Do you believe in eternal love?
Yea......I have found my eternal love!

8. Do you want to change your real name?
Of course NO.....Vi Vian is always the best name!!haha

9. What feeling do you love the most?
The feeling of being loved and pampered!

10. What are your bad habits?
Lazy...! Lazy... and Lazy to think of my bad habits!

11. Is there anything you want to tell people who hate you?
"I dont hate you!"hahaha...

12. Do you cherish every friendship you have?
Yes! Yes! Yes!

13. What does flying mean to you?
The freedom to go anywhere!

14. Who do you love?
People that love me....

15. Who do you hate?

16. Describe the person who tagged you in nine words.
A nice teacher, cheerful, being loved by his students!

17. What would you really like to do now?
Go to the beach....!

18. What will you be in the next ten years?
A wife.....hahahaha

19. Coffee or Tea?

20. What are you wishing for right now?
A beach vacation!

Comments (5)

Tag tag tag! Finally an update...dormant for so long since ur respective reunion, lol!

Yeah, we've been dormant for about 2 weeks now...but u have to remember that we've not been seeing each other for about 3 weeks prior to this, so it's only right that we make up for the same period of lost time! lol..

Gee... that means another week before I read anything from u, Ryan :p Haha!

Caleb: Initially, yeah, that was the plan. But now that Vian has posted a new entry, I guess it's time for me to contribute and update the blog too. Haha!

Finally. Good. Excellent. Splendid.